Thursday, July 21, 2011

Little River Springs

On a sweltering hot day, Little River Springs is a family favorite. This spring is more developed than others in our area and has more visitors. It is the perfect place for folks of all ages to cool off.

It's like a natural water park with a place for swimming and a large area for wading and splashing by little ones.

We're in the middle of an exceptional drought, so the water level is low right now.  

But, there's still a lot of water from the spring crashing into the Suwannee River.

When the water level is high, the spring rises right up to these steps.

The deepest part seems to glow from some mysterious light. 

The "little river" runs from the spring to the Suwannee, hence the name.

 A view from the nature trail above the spring.

Approaching the spring from the parking area. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Peacock Springs

With the incredibly HOT summer everyone is having, now is the time to share some of my favorite getaways not far from home.  When the temperature is unbearable, we head to one of the many natural springs in our area and we're not alone! People come from all over the world to explore them and cave dive.  In fact they have been referred to as "bowls of liquid light".  I agree.  They appear to glow from within.
Today we'll take a look at Peacock Springs, one of my favorite destinations 

Dive on in. The water is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit year round.  It's just right for a refreshing dip on a sultry, southern, summer day.

Visiting this spring is like a mini vacation.  It is less developed than others and has fewer visitors, except for the cave divers at the head of the spring.  The natural beauty is undisturbed.  In fact, it is easy to imagine a trip back in time here.  This is what Native Americans and Spanish explorers saw when they lived and traveled through here.   I could almost believe there is a fountain of youth.  This place is magical.

Not into swimming? Take a walk or sit and listen to the chorus of insects, frogs and birds- a symphony of sound! You never know what kind of critters you may encounter here.  I wouldn't recommend swimming in this part. You may end up being invited to dinner -as the entrée.

This part is perfect for those, like me, who are faint of heart and don't know if they can take the chill. I'll just wade here.  Ah, bliss.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


We made a quick trip to the farm Friday morning.  While the Grill Master was checking out the calves, I was looking for the pair of sandhill cranes that can sometimes be spotted wading in the brackish water near the lake. They were nowhere to be found.  But, I did see seven endangered wood storks.  I couldn't get a great picture of them- they were a bit skittish.  There is almost always a surprise waiting for us at the farm.  That's just one reason I love to go there.