Friday, June 17, 2011


Today I picked the last of the peas in my little garden.
The drought this year really took a toll on the poor little plants.  We live in the city limits and the cost of irrigation is just too steep.  Since water is at a premium around here, we couldn't justify the amount we would have had to use just to reap a few more of the delicious little morsels.  As a result, the plants were stunted and produced just a few delectable handfuls of green deliciousness. But, the cucumbers have done well and it looks like I'll have some ripe tomatoes soon. Yummy!  Since we didn't get our fill of peas this spring, maybe I'll have a strong case to experiment with a fall garden! 
Speaking of fall gardens, the plants that have grown the best this spring are some volunteer pumpkins. Apparently our jack-o-lantern making last fall left some pretty determined seeds in the middle of the backyard.  When we discovered the tiny plants a couple of months ago, we transplanted them to a little patch of dirt and ignored them.  Amazingly enough they are producing some little pumpkins. 

These little beauties are still on the plant.

And we picked this one yesterday.  I guess some things just have to grow!

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