Sometimes when things are busy it's just nice to get away for an hour or two. That's what we did Christmas Eve afternoon. After a quick trip to the market to shop for groceries and a sweep through the house before the festivities began, we went to Branford and had lunch at The Gathering.
After lunch we headed down the road to Troy Springs. I had never been there before, but had read that during the Civil War the Confederates sunk a river steamboat there to keep it out of Union hands. It had been on my list of places to visit for quite a long time.

It was rainy and overcast, but quite warm at around 80 degrees.
When we arrived I was surprised to see a terraced walkway leading down to a very large spring. The drought here continues and many of the springs are not flowing well, but this one is huge! Even though you can tell the water level is lower than normal, it is flowing nicely.
The bottom is not visible at the head of the spring. The entrance to an underwater cave; it sort of made me wonder what might be living down there.
As the water exits the spring it rushes toward the river.
This is the area where the timbers from the bottom of the old ship are barely visible.
Then it flows into the river that's deceptively calm and smooth. There is quite a strong current even though it appears to be still.
I sat here and closed my eyes just to listen to the babbling water as it went on its journey to the Gulf of Mexico. There is something incredibly calming about the sound of moving water. It soothes my soul.
I also listened to the good natured joking between the fishermen on the other side of the flowing water. They had gathered to haul in a catch of mullet. I had to laugh as one kept getting calls on his mobile phone. He told one caller he had to go because he "had one". To another he admonished, "Do not call my phone again."
Here's a view of the spring from the river.
After a bit we headed back to the parking lot. Up the terraced walkway we went.
The girls said it reminded them of something from fairy tale.
What could be around the next corner?
Then we walked a quick 1/2 mile nature trail. It was carpeted with green moss.
We rounded one corner to see three white tailed deer. They moved too quickly for a picture. Then it was back to the parking lot. The best glimpse of the remains of the ship came from the display board located there.

It's always nice to get away even if it is only for a little while.
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